Life on the Refrigerator Door free book

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  • Author
  • #11532


    Alice Kuipers: Life on the Refrigerator Door
    Author: Alice Kuipers
    Number of Pages:
    Published Date:
    Publication Country:
    ISBN: 9781509801879
    Download Link: >>> Life on the Refrigerator Door <<<


    Every young guy needs some advice on how to address all the pressing quandaries in life. How much do you tip the bellman? What do you cook for dinner to impress a woman? Well, he might be lucky enough to have an older brother showing him the way, or maybe even a hip dad, but what if he doesn’t? That’s where Paul O’Donnell steps in with MAN UP! Paul and his expert friends explain everything a young guy might want to know but was afraid to ask: how to decorate an apartment on the cheap, ask a girl on a date, avoid a speeding ticket, prepare for a job interview, train for a marathon, and hundreds more! Organised thematically and written in short, quick take entries accompanied by more than 150 how to drawings, it’s solid advice from a guy who’s been there before!
    Most companies have massive amounts of data at their disposal, yet fail to utilize it in any meaningful way. But a powerful new business tool – analytics – is enabling many firms to aggressively leverage their data in key business decisions and processes, with impressive results. In their previous book, Competing on Analytics, Thomas Davenport and Jeanne Harris showed how pioneering firms were building their entire strategies around their analytical capabilities. Life on the Refrigerator Door free pdf Rather than “going with the gut” when pricing products, maintaining inventory, or hiring talent, managers in these firms use data, analysis, and systematic reasoning to make decisions that improve efficiency, risk-management, and profits. Now, in Analytics at Work, Davenport, Harris, and coauthor Robert Morison reveal how any manager can effectively deploy analytics in day-to-day operations–one business decision at a time. They show how many types of analytical tools, from statistical analysis to qualitative measures like systematic behavior coding, can improve decisions about everything from what new product offering might interest customers to whether marketing dollars are being most effectively deployed.

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